Tuesday, November 17, 2009

#16. Pointless Use of Acronyms and Shortned Words (PUOAASW)

If you're anything like me, you probably talk and interact on the Internet a lot. The majority of people that will read this (I'll estimate three people), probably socialize using their cellphones. No matter what medium of communication you use, I'm sure you have either participated in, or been the victim of "Pointless Use of Acronyms and Shortened Words", or PUOAASW for short.

Sure, I have no problem with the use of something like "lol" or "brb", to quickly let a person know something when you are in a rush instead of saying "wow that was absolutely hilarious, won't you tell another joke so I can roll on the floor again?" or "my assistance is needed in the kitchen and the table requires my skilled hand at setting it", you can use a simple three letter acronym. The problem however, comes when people start to abbreviate random phrases or shorten words that no one knows what they actually mean. But when we start making ones like "IDGI" (I don't get it), or "DIAF" (Die in a fire...?), then I think we just become lazy, and a bit morbid. Then of course we have the shortened versions of words. Now I admit, I am guilty of this one. I tend to shorten "you" to "u" and other similar ones, but I'm amazed by the laziness of some people. For example, how does "p10x" become "please" in real English? Or "iggy" mean "ignore"?

My favorite though, is when people completely miss-spell a word on purpose. I've even seen it where someone spells the word with the same amount of letters, but replaces one letter with something else, such as "time" becomes "tyme"...as if spelling it "tyme" is any shorter? But my personal favorite one is spelling "cool" "kwl". Thank goodness we're saving ourselves one letter.