Sunday, April 12, 2009

100 Things That Annoy Me: A Disclaimer to Viewers

The other day, my brother showed me another well known blog called "Stuff Christians Like". Right from the start, I found his post about things Christians do to be hilarious, and usually very accurate. One thing that I kept thinking to myself was "Wow, why didn't I think of this myself?". So inspired myself, I decided to make a similar blog about the 100 things that annoy me. I don't know if I'll actually reach 100, or if I'll get to 200 or 10000. Some of the things will be things Christians do, while others will be things that everyone seems to do. Lastly, before I start, I would simply like to say that this list is not to make fun of people that have these certain qualities, since I myself am guilty of many of these, but the blog is more of to get people to laugh and say to themselves "Yep, that's me alright", since as many comedians say, the best jokes are ones about real life.

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