Saturday, April 18, 2009

#3. Finding Things (Odd phases part:1)

When it comes to speaking, I get very annoyed by the use of cliches and phrases that make very little sense. This post is dedicated to the one that probably annoys me the most. I'll use the phrase first in a sentence to help you better visualize which one I'm talking about.

Me-"Hey Jimmy, how are you today?"

Jimmy-"Oh I'm doing well, I just can't seem to find my car keys though."

Me-"Well that's not good! I hope you find them!"

Jimmy-"Thanks, but you know how it is, whenever you lose something, it's always in the last place you look!"

I am of course talking about the well used phrase (At least by people around me.) of "it's always in the last place you look". Whenever I hear someone say this, I'm very tempted to ask them "Why? Do you usually look for it more even after you've found it?". But since I actually want to have some friends in my life, I tend to hold back on it. I just can't help but laugh whenever I think of someone having this conversation.

Husband-"Sweetie, do you know where I put my sunglasses?"

Wife-"Did you check your nightstand?"

Husband-"Oh never mind, I found them, they were on the counter. Okay, well I'm gonna go look for them in the car now, be back in a little bit"

1 comment:

  1. Me- "oh r***el you lost your ipod? I know where it is."
    R***el- "really!? where???"
    Me-"In the last place you will look for it!!"
