Tuesday, April 21, 2009

#4. Thanking God Last

Recently I purchased an album by one of my favorite bands. Although they are not a Christian band, I still enjoy their music and their lyrics. After opening the album, I looked through the booklet that comes with the CD, and after looking through all of the lyrics, I came to the section where all of the band members give their thanks, and since I have too much free time, I decided to read some of them. I quickly saw a pattern that is seen a lot in the "Thank you" section of their album booklet. They put God as their last entry on the list. Now some people might think I'm just complaining about something stupid, which yes I probably am, and that I should be thankful that they even put God on their list period. But my question is why did the person even bother putting God on the list in the first place? Isn't the point of the thank you section for people to know how big of a role they played in their music? I don't think God is going to appreciate that you put Him dead last on your list. I wonder what the person was thinking when he wrote his thank you list.

"Okay, I want to thank my mom, my dad, my wife, my daughter, my brother, my manager and producer, the stage guy, the recording studio, my friend that offered us chips and dip at his house, that crazy fan in Denver that inspired me to write one of the songs, and I think that's it...oh wait, I forgot God...well...I'll just put him after the chips and dip guy."

Okay, maybe it doesn't go exactly like that, but still, I wonder how God feels to know that He goes after everyone on the list, even after the people that had very small roles in the bands music. Also, imagine the ego boost that the friend that served the chips and dip would have.

"Honey! Look! Those guys that came over the other night, the ones from the band, they put me in their thank you section, and guess what, I'm above God!"

My suggestion, if your putting God in your thank you section for your own benefit so that you feel good, then just leave Him out, He wants you to thank Him gracously, not because you feel guilty.

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